Patient Participation Group
The Aims of the Patient Participation Group
The overall aim of our group [PPG] is to develop a positive and constructive relationship between patients, the Practice and the community it serves, ensuring the Practice remains accountable and responsive to all its patients' needs.
Our group is affiliated to The National Association for Patient Participation which issues periodic bulletins and newsletters. These can be accessed at
The Richmond Medical Centre PPG key aims are detailed in the Terms of Reference. Click on the link below to download a copy:

What is the PPG?
The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of patients and carers who work with invited GP Practice staff to discuss practice issues and patient experience in order to help improve the service for all.
All registered patients are welcome to join the PPG although, in the interests of effective decision making, membership of the core committee is limited to twelve.
Specialist sub-groups may be formed to deal with specific topics utilising individual skills and interests.
Our group meets regularly, no fewer than four times a year.
The PPG will only work well if patients communicate with us. We already have ideas but need your input. Suggestion boxes are available at both sites and are regularly emptied only by members of the PPG.
What does the PPG do?
The PPG works in partnership with GPs and Practice teams to ensure the patient's perspective is at the heart of local provision so that services are of high quality and continuously improve.
The PPG provides practical support in the surgery, fosters improved communication between the Practice and its patients, and helps patients to take more responsibility for their health.
Patient Practice Group Minutes Archive
Who should be involved with the PPG?
- We are looking for a diverse, representative, cross-section of patients.
- The role is voluntary and open to all registered patients over the age of 18.
- You must not have a conflict of interests.
- This is not a forum for airing personal complaints and grievances or to discuss personal issues.
- Everybody will have an equal voice. Opinions will be welcomed and valued.
You will be expected to work as part of the team, to conform to the General Data Protection Register 2018 (GDPR), and agree to sign a confidentiality form.
If you would like to be involved either contact Reception or email us at
Getting Your View
The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number and consent for us to contact you.